Mental Health Matters!

-Nivedita M

Since school days we all are taught, “Health is Wealth”. Without good health, one can’t imagine a good life whether he is rich or poor. Be it mental health or physical health, both matter equally. We all talk about achieving big goals, scoring higher grades and winning a sport. For every activity and action in life, you need a healthy mind, body & soul. All three are interconnected and essential to live a good life.

Here’s a story of a girl who was happy, jovial and full of energy all the time. She was called a positive atom- wherever she went, she would spread positivity and find positivity in every person she met. She would cheer others up when they felt sad, show them a different angle to life. They felt happy and light after listening to her words.

Suddenly after few years, she had break downs. She would start crying for no reason, had sleepless nights and thoughts troubling her at night, not able to focus. Feeling drained off energy, she felt it hard to do even simple activities like brushing her teeth. This went on for 3 months. She called her parents and shared that she was not feeling okay since few months. They took her to a priest thinking she had stepped on a lemon on the road which might have caused some bad vibes, without realising she was depressed or needed some help in dealing with her fears. They didn’t try to figure out what troubled her mind. They did not realise the cause until they came across a video about mental health awareness.

Mental health is related to brain health. If any pain is felt in the leg, the brain is the one which signals about the pain and to go to a doctor. Similarly, if the mind is in pain and for it to heal and recover, one needs to talk to a therapist to be guided about fears, sadness or any pain which is troubling the mind. Sometimes it could be a stressful environment which has caused pain, narcissistic people or a toxic partner and work culture. By talking to a therapist, the reason for what is actually troubling the mind can be found and the pain can be cured.

One has to understand the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist. Also, there might be fears of being made fun of that a mental hospital admission is required if mental health related problems are shared, etc. One need not be scared or ashamed to visit a therapist. A therapist guides you about what is good and bad for you after listening to your concerns and helps you understand how to take care of your mind and mental health.